It is our goal at Lakeside Dental Arts to give our patients happy smiles.  We offer many types of dental restorations depending on a patient’s needs.  Additionally, we are here to help patients who suffer from broken or missing teeth.  Our most common procedure is the removal of old silver fillings and replacing them with a tooth-colored filling.  Updating silver fillings will create a more natural appearance.  Many times, teeth are broken or severely decayed.  In these instances, ceramic crowns are utilized to restore the teeth to a natural appearance and function.  If you are missing teeth, we have several options.  For example, bridges can be used to bridge the gap between your teeth.  Fixed bridges are permanently cemented onto adjacent teeth.  Dental implants can be used to replace a missing tooth without damaging adjacent teeth.  Missing teeth can also be replaced with dentures.  We offer partial dentures which clip onto the remaining teeth or complete dentures when all teeth are missing and/or need to be removed.

If you are not happy with your smile or the way your teeth function, then contact us at (863) 658-4272 to schedule a consultation to discuss your restorative options.