Dental hygiene is the foundation of your dental health. Routine hygiene visits allow us to clean areas you may have missed with your toothbrush and floss as well as treat problem areas. Preventive check-up visits allow our team to help you maintain your gum health. It also gives us a chance to evaluate your mouth for decay, bite and tooth wear issues, and oral cancer.
It is important to maintain regular dental hygiene appointments to minimize the development of dental disease. Some patients are more susceptible to periodontal (gum) disease and require definitive treatments. These can range from scalings for the treatment of gingivitis, and root planning which treats active disease without surgery.
At each hygiene visit, we will inform you of issues that require immediate treatment and concerns we are monitoring for possible treatment in the future.
Even if you do not notice symptoms such as bleeding gums, sensitivity, or pain, this does not mean that your teeth and gums are healthy. Our team will recommend a preventive schedule for your individual needs.